Command Info Permissions
 !cohost [@username] Add a CoHost Host
 !manager [@username] Add a Manager Host, CoHost
 !die Turn off NarcisBOT Host, CoHost
 !reload Reload NarcisBOT Host, CoHost
 !filter [on/off] Filter spam for other autowoot. Default is ON Host, CoHost
 !skiphistory [on/off] Turn ON or OFF skipping songs in history. Default: ON Host, CoHost
 !set historylimit [0-49]
roulettetime [seconds]
songlimit [m:s]
voteskipcount [number]
lang [en / pt / sk / lt / ee / lv / fr ]
cp [command] [permission]
botname [value]
dclimit [minutes]
cmdtrigger [value]
welcomemessage [text]
Set custom settings.

* cp = Command Permission, usage example: !set cp roulette cohost
* welcomemessage = Add custom text after "welcomemessage" word.
Where you want @mention nickname, add only "@"!

Message: Hello @narcis How are you?"
Command: !set welcomemessage Hello @ How are you?
Host, CoHost
 !getcp Get current CP settings. (CP = Command Permission). WARNING The current settings will be displayet in account, where is NarcisBOT! Host, CoHost, Manager
 !clearchat Delete all messages in chat. Host, CoHost, Manager
 !mute [@username] [seconds] Deletes all further messages from user. If seconds is not defined, mute is permanent (only when someone call !unmute command) Host, CoHost, Manager
 !unmute [@username] Unmute user Host, CoHost, Manager
 !songban Ban current song Host, CoHost, Manager
 !songunban [songcode] Unban banned song. Get the songcode from your room URL by NarcisBOT: Host, CoHost, Manager
 !lock Lock WaitList Host, CoHost, Manager
 !unlock Unlock WaitList Host, CoHost, Manager
 !clearwaitlist Lock, Clear and Unlock WaitList Host, CoHost, Manager
 !wlfilter [on/off] Turn on or off WaitList Filter. WLFilter kicking DJ's if they not voting 2 songs. Default is OFF. Host, CoHost, Manager
 !hidecommands [on/off] Turn ON or OFF hidding messages starting with " ! ". Default OFF Host, CoHost, Manager
 !roulette Spin a roulette for 45 seconds. Then write winner (join to roulette = !play). Wiiner will be placed to 1st position in WaitList Host, CoHost, Manager
 !stoproulette Stop roulette if spinning without winner. Host, CoHost, Manager
 !bouncer [@user] Add a Bouncer Host, CoHost, Manager
 !resident [@user] Add a Resident DJ Host, CoHost, Manager
 !msg [welcome / grab / stats] [on/off] Turn ON or OFF messages. Default values: [welcome=ON | grab=ON | stats=ON] Host, CoHost, Manager
 !move [@user] [position] Move DJ in waitlist. Host, CoHost, Manager
 !skip Skip current song Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer
 !ban [@user] [1 / 24 / perma] Ban someone. Usage: !ban @username duration. Duration = 1 / 24 / perma. 1 = 1 hour, 24 = 1 day, perma = perma ban. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer
Time back function. If your browser crash or bug and you are removed from waitlist, 
you can write !dc for move to correctly position.
Host, CoHost, Manager, Boucer, User
Write link to autowoot Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Join to Roulette (only if !roulette is spinned) Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Vote for skip current song. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
!bot woot
NarcisBOT click on Woot button Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Show who is AFK. AFK = user who no chatting. If bot no reply, nobody is afk. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Show link to this help page Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Show detailed points info. Woot points, DJ points and Grab points. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Show facebook page. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Show all room stats. Counting only original stats in song end. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User
Show current roulette players. Host, CoHost, Manager, Bouncer, User